Kjøp billett

Fandomatic Con “STellAR”

Er du klar til å starte det nye året med en «ute av denne verden»-opplevelse? Kom inn i et sted for Sci-Fi for å møte STJERNER av alle slag. Hva slags stjerner spør du? Dere som kommer inn gjennom dørene på Sola Kulturhus er alle en stjerne som vil gjøre arrangementet unikt.

Det er noe for alle i alle aldre. Elsker du å tegne? Hvorfor ikke delta i tegnekonkurransen vår for å vinne flotte premier eller bare tegne og mingle for moro skyld.
Hva med brettspill av alle slag? Det er rom for akkurat det også.
Art Stands av alle slag der du kan kjøpe dine favoritter fandom-gjenstander.
Et annet flott tillegg er Sola Bibliotek. Kom og nyt aktiviteter tilgjengelig på biblioteket lørdag mens biblioteket er åpent.

Cosplayers, Fandomatic Con er ikke det samme uten deg. Cosplay-konkurransen trenger deltakere i alle aldre fra 0-100. Alder er kun et tall. Gratis parkering og god mat fra Kulturkaféen vil også være tilgjengelig.

Weekend pass (for begge dager)
16+ voksen: 450,- Early bird frem til 5. januar 350,-
6-15 år: 300,- Early bird frem til 5. januar 200,-
0-5: gratis 

Are you ready to start the new year with an “out of this world” experience? Come enter a space and place of Sci-Fi to meet STARS of all kinds. What kind of stars you ask? All of you who enter through the Sola Kulturhus doors are each a star who will make the event unique.

There’s something for everybody of all ages. Love to draw? Why not enter our drawing contest to win great prizes or just draw and mingle for fun. What about board games of all kinds? There’s a room for just that as well. Art Stands of all kinds will be available for you to purchase your favorite fandom items. Another great addition is Sola Library having
stellar activities for our younger stars. So families, come and enjoy activities available at the Library on Saturday while the library is open. Free parking and great food from Kulturhus Cafe will also be available.

Cosplayers! Where all the Rogaland cosplayers at? Fandomatic Con isn’t the same without the talents represented in the West Coast. We have seen so many stage stars be born and we invite many more to the stage for you to shine. We have a level for the youngest cosplayers to the more experienced . Age is nothing but a number. As mentioned, it’s a Sci-Fi Stellar themed Con. So what does that even mean? It means that the Sola Kulturhus will be invaded by aliens and other beings from different universes. Come as whatever cosplay you desire, come as awesome you or suit up in your favorite
Sci-Fi character.

What ever you choose, may the force be with you and beam you up to Fandomatic Con «STellAR” i 2024 which will be a two days action packed weekend on January 13th and 14th at the Sola Kulturhus . More information about the contests and weekend program will be released by December so keep your eye on our social media for these updates.

Weekend pass (2 days)

16+ adults: 450,- Early bird until 5th of January 350,-
6-15: 300,- Early bird until 5th of January 200,-
0-5: free

Arrangør: Fandomatics, Sola kulturhus, Sola Bibliotek og FeelGood